Be Still, My Heart: Photos Of British Teen Mothers & Their Children
Photo: ©Marta Giaccone/AnzenbergerPhotographer Marta Giaccone wasn't looking for teen mothers when she went to Great Britain.She was in South Wales to pursue a master's degree in documentary...
View ArticleThis Is Why Tory Burch Had To Remove A Video Starring Poppy Delevingne
From Marc Jacobs' dreadlock-gate to American Vogue 's Geisha-themed editorial, many fashion brands have waded into the murky water that is cultural appropriation and subsequently received a social...
View ArticleLondoners Are Sharing Beautiful Pictures Of The Capital After Yesterday's...
Social media plays the crucial role of bringing us together in the wake of tragedies and other big news events, and Wednesday was no different.Users showed their solidarity on Twitter, Instagram and...
View ArticleHow To Find Out If Your Nude Photos Are Online — & Remove Them
Some people say the only way to stop online harassment is to stop going online. Well, we aren't going anywhere. Reclaim Your Domain is Refinery29's campaign to make the internet (and the world outside...
View ArticleBaddie Winkle, The 87 Year-Old Raver Culture Icon
Meet Baddie Winkle, Who Fell In Love With Raver Clothes At Age 87Helen Van Winkle is 87 years old. On some days, she likes to wear floral dresses and drop earrings. On others, she’ll wear a sweatshirt...
View ArticleSia Without Her Costume On Will Blow Your Mind
It's not every day we see Sia without her signature look. The singer is known for wearing a blonde bob wig during her performances — and we're so used to that side of her, we never would have...
View ArticleWhy Instagram Is Going To Start Blurring Some Of Your Images
Instagram has gotten a lot of well-earned praise for its in-app safety tools, and an upcoming update is taking these to the next level. In a post today, Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom...
View ArticleThe Handmaid's Tale Trailer Will Chill You To Your Core
The first full-length trailer for the upcoming series The Handmaid's Tale has dropped, and it's a positively nightmarish two-minute watch that has us salivating for the timely series premiere. The...
View ArticleIvanka Trump Doesn't Deserve Her West Wing Appointment
I used to be a fan of Ivanka Trump. In a town where the masses live in loose fitting, dark-coloured suits, I chose to wear pumps by her label when running between meetings across federal agencies in...
View ArticleDonald Trump Once Asked Emma Thompson Out On A Date & Her Response Was Priceless
It’s a known fact that before Melania was in the picture, Donald Trump had a thing for beautiful women. And once upon a time Trump had a thing for actress Emma Thompson.According to People, during a...
View ArticleWhy I Love Morning Sex
It lacks the build-up and anticipation of date-night sex, but there’s something about the sleepy, uninhibited ease of morning sex that I just can’t get enough of. And I’m not alone. A recent study by...
View ArticleHow To Make The Most Of London When You Have A Full-Time Job
Have you noticed a change in your behaviour recently? Have you stopped making a beeline for the sofa on weeknights? Did you get up yesterday without having to hit the snooze button?Maybe that's because...
View ArticleThe Very Best Nostalgia Stationery From Your Youth
Schooldays – the best of your life?Sure, for some people they were filled with the excitement of conversing with fellow students, eagerly waiting to hear who would be made the next playground monitor...
View ArticleWhat Would Technology Not Designed By White Guys Look Like?
The men who hold the keys to Silicon Valley right now hold the keys to the world. They’re deciding what we see and where we see it. They’re deciding what news we get, and even how we vote.This kind of...
View ArticleThe Best Face Masks For When You Can't Afford A Facial
The popularity of the humble face mask has grown significantly of late. According to Google's internal data research for 2014-2016, they're the second most-searched-for bathroom buddy (just behind bath...
View ArticleHow These Teenage Girls Changed Over 3 Years
Remember when you’re a teenager and you talk about the future all the time, even though your vision of it only extends as far as who you’re going to snog on the weekend, where you’re going on your...
View ArticleA First Look At Topshop's Bridal Collection
When news broke that Topshop was launching a bridal collection, we could scarcely contain our excitement. We knew that it would be good but the high street megastore has exceeded expectations, as the...
View ArticleThis New Gucci-Sponsored Exhibition Explores 5 Centuries Of Fashion
This weekend, an extravagant exhibition celebrating the couture designs worn by various members of the British aristocracy opens at Chatsworth House, the Derbyshire mansion owned by the Duchess and...
View Article#BigThighTwitter Is The Latest Body Positive Movement
First came the #ThighGap, the controversial body “trend” that saw people sharing photos of the space between their legs on social media. Then, thankfully, came so-called #MermaidThighs, a body-positive...
View Article21 Photos Show A Completely Different Side Of Mothers In Prison
Photo: Cheryl Hanna-TruscottThis article was first published on December 16, 2015What happens to women who are pregnant in prison? Where do they give birth? What happens to their babies? Orange Is the...
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