3 Super Easy Summer Salads That Will Actually Fill You Up
Salad days are unequivocally here and, look, we’re as big a fan of the Pret chicken avocado box as the next person but by 4pm – or let’s be honest, 2.30pm – dare we say we find ourselves a tad…...
View ArticleA Woman Asked A Stranger To Her Sister's Wedding... And Then Married Him
How's this for a 21st century meet cute? Back in 2014, a woman was preparing for her sister's wedding and jokily asked her Twitter followers for a date. Little did she know, three years later she'd end...
View ArticleSeeing Spots: Summer's Freshest Print
Polka dots have made their way back into our sartorial lexicon, appearing across the high street and couture this season. The pattern evokes '40s glamour, in large part thanks to Christian Dior's...
View ArticleDoes A New Photo Prove Amelia Earhart Didn't Die In A Plane Crash?
When pilot Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, disappeared over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 during an attempt to fly around the world, it became one of the biggest mysteries...
View ArticleNo, You Don’t Always Love Kids Once They’re Yours
Something happens when you get married. It isn’t just a change between you and your partner, or even a change within yourself, but a total transformation in how others see you. People start treating...
View ArticleI'm No Longer Dating People Who Are "Relationship Material"
The first online dating profile I ever set up was on OkCupid when I was 21. I remember taking a lot of time on it — making sure to pick the exact words to describe exactly what I was looking for. I...
View ArticleEmma Stone Says Her Male Co-Stars Took Pay Cuts For Her
It's not a secret that women make less than men for doing movies. Dozens of female actresses have come forward with their stories throughout the years, detailing the large pay gaps between them and...
View ArticleSophie Turner Thinks Sansa Stark Won't Survive Game Of Thrones
If there's one show that should give you trust issues, it's Game Of Thrones. The HBO series loves to kill off even its most important characters, and while some of them, like Kit Harington's Jon Snow,...
View Article3 Great Things You Can Make With This £5 Braid
No interiors photo seems complete at the moment without the addition of something woven. Be it placemats, laundry or storage baskets, the trend is dominating homeware magazines, Pinterest and...
View ArticleEpilating: Your Need-To-Know Guide
Hair removal is a complicated arena. Some people choose not to touch their body hair, while others are religious about their routine. There are layers of privilege, too: while people with fairer skin...
View ArticleThe Great Big Pride Debate
‘Pride in London’ has become somewhat of a joke among many members of the LGBTQIA+ community in recent years. There was the UKIP fiasco of two years ago, the Red Arrows flypast last year and the...
View ArticleHalf Of Women Who've Had Abortions Did So For This Worrying Reason
The narrative surrounding abortion – even in the UK, where it’s mostly legal and accepted – often implies that the woman seeking one is at fault. That she (you’ll notice the man is never blamed) was...
View ArticleAntibiotic Resistance Is Creating An 'Unstoppable' Version Of This STI
Here's some cheery news for a Friday. Gonorrhoea, the STI you never really understood, is becoming a big-time problem.According to the World Health Organization, antibiotic resistance is making the STI...
View ArticleThe Future's Gold: The Artist Behind Summer's Most Uplifting Exhibition
Artist Lakwena Maciver makes hopeful art. Her large-scale, vibrant colours and sign-writing-inspired positive slogans can be seen plastered on buildings and pavements across the world, allowing you to...
View ArticlePETA’s Sexist Marketing Stunt At Wimbledon Belongs In The 1970s
By now, PETA is as well known for its sexist campaign stunts as it is for its advocacy of animal rights. While the organisation is against the consumption of meat, it's routinely accused of treating...
View ArticleThis Lucky Love Island Contestant Just Won The Backing Of Jeremy Corbyn
We're among the enormous segment of the British population that's hooked on ITV2's Love Island right now. You might have guessed.But if there's one thing that could pique our interest – and strengthen...
View ArticleWhat Pride Was Like In 1985
It's Pride Month again and across the globe hundreds of thousands of LGBTQI+ folk are gathering together to celebrate our freedoms, our unity and our hard-fought rights to marry, to adopt, to dance, to...
View ArticleI Tried To Live Like Shailene Woodley For A Week — & It Was Not Easy
I’m not the first person to attempt Shailene Woodley’s beauty routine. It’s batshit crazy — and people, like me, are attracted to that sort of thing. Unlike the routines of Jacqueline Kennedy Onsassis,...
View ArticleA Tour de France Champion Has Come Out As A Transgender Woman
Scottish Tour de France champion Philippa York, known previously as Robert Millar, has announced that she is transgender, PinkNews reports.In a statement released on CyclingNews, a site to which York...
View ArticleGames Of Thrones Star Lena Headey Revealed The Sexist Reason She Lost Roles
No one would accuse Hollywood of treating women well, but the true scope of how poorly the entertainment industry treats even successful actresses should appal everyone. According to a new interview,...
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