Flex those conversation muscles, stargazers! This Wednesday, May 3, messenger Mercury wraps up a signal-scrambling retrograde that began on April 9. Ever since then, we've all been stumbling over our words — and maybe winding up with the taste of shoe leather in our mouths. (Gulp.) But the gaffes and drags and lovers' quarrels ease up this week as Mercury corrects course. It's time to tell people how we really feel, but in a loving and supportive way. For best results, focus on the positive instead of playing amateur critic. As Mercury powers forward through feisty, quick-fire Aries until May 16, we’re still prone to TMI and SMH blurts. The good news is, it will be easier to apologise or turn your embarrassment into a good joke.
Have you been waiting for Mercury's pivot to purchase new mobile devices or book your summer holiday? Start shopping around; or, if you researched during the retrograde, make your official purchase after Wednesday. Old friends and exes may have crept back into your life since April 9. But do you actually want a sequel to these relationships? If not, keep it moving!

April 20 to May 20
How cosy is your home, Taurus? This Tuesday, a quarter moon in Leo inspires some modest nest feathering. You don't have to rip up your floors or renovate your whole kitchen. Just make your place cosier and more functional. Add a bar cart or "summerise" with these H&M Home pieces. If there's been friction among friends and familia, these moonbeams can help you make peace. Bottom line: You need your inner circle to feel like a safe space. If a so-called supporter is turning into a constant critic, call her out on it. And if this is just a character flaw, you may have to boot her from the sacred sisterhood or move her back into the casual acquaintance category. Protect your heart!
If you're feeling confused about life, clarity comes on Wednesday, when Mercury snaps out of a signal-scrambling retrograde. Since April 9, you've been ruminating on closure — or the lack thereof. What unresolved issues are there in your life, Taurus? Before this week is through you'll have a better sense about next steps. And with Mercury powering forward through your transitional 12th house until May 16, maybe you should cut and run. Some things aren't worth salvaging, especially if they bring you more pain than joy. But if it's your refusal to compromise that's making your life hell, consider easing up your stance. You don't have to be a doormat; just be gracious and open to trying on other people's ideas. The end result is harmonious living — and isn’t that what you’re after?
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
May 21 to June 20
What have you been holding back, Gemini? If there is something you’ve (uncharacteristically) left unsaid, Tuesday’s quarter moon in Leo and your communication zone will help you find the right words. Set up time for a heart-to-heart before the week is through. Warning: If you censored yourself for too long, you may be feeling frustrated or resentful. But this moderate moon says, "Dial down the drama!" Vent to a wise friend if you need to blow off steam before your actual talk. Remember: This is supposed to be a dialogue, not a diatribe! You could meet a friend who has strong BFF potential this week. Pace yourself, Gemini, so you can see them for who they are, not who you want them to be.
Double, double toil and trouble? With your ruler Mercury retrograde since April 9, your cauldron has been boiling over, Gemini. And with most of that backspin in your teamwork zone, your squad has been steeped in tension and drama. Don't give up on your ride-or-die crew! Mercury corrects course on Wednesday, bringing back the love. Yes, you'll have some issues to iron out, but the huge eruptions have passed. Whew! Bonus, now that Mercury is direct, you can finally upgrade your devices like the phone with the cracked screen. You’ll need it, too, because friends will be blowing up your feeds for the rest of the month!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
June 21 to July 22
How balanced is your budget, Cancer? Tuesday's quarter moon in Leo lights up your money zone, bringing some equilibrium to the whole spend-save equation. Have you been tightening up the purse strings then rebelling with retail therapy binges? Starving yourself of spring clothes or that trip to Mexico is not going to inspire you to wake up and work every day. Kill the deprivation mindset and follow these tips for creating a simple and rewarding budget, the rules of which should be basic enough to fit on a simple index card. Do you find yourself checking the clock too much at work? If you're bored, take on an assignment that challenges you. Overloaded? Let go and delegate!
Career confusion will clear up on Wednesday, too! Expressive Mercury ends a three-week retrograde that stressed your professional sector. Despite your best efforts, getting on people's calendars was impossible — and you're still waiting for the boss or client to green-light a proposal you turned in weeks ago. Progress resumes after Wednesday, so grit your teeth and send one more follow-up message. Better yet, pick up the phone and get a live human on the line. Tension with certain men in your life ratcheted up during this retrograde. Let the peace talks commence — even if you just agree to disagree. Ultimately, it's better than losing a great guy from your life.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
July 23 to August 22
Roll up those bell-shaped statement sleeves and get to work! Tuesday's quarter moon in Leo brings a motivating boost for your solo projects. Put in some time behind the curtain, polishing up your presentation and performance. Practice makes perfect! But don't wait so long before going public with your plans. At some point you have to put yourself out there and know that you'll develop new skills along the way. Take more initiative while paying attention to the power pyramid that's in place. If you play your cards right this week (read: ascend with humility) you'll rise to the top with the support of the people who are already reigning there. Ideal!
Pour yourself a celebratory margarita on Wednesday and chase it with a shot of truth serum. Expressive Mercury officially ends a retrograde that began on April 9. You held a lot in, Leo, and it could all come out in a rush. Good! But before you open your mouth to roar, mull over your words carefully. You don't want to hurt feelings, even if someone wounded your pride over the past few weeks. If you have stepped on toes, make amends. A sweet, “I’m sorry,” might be all that's needed. (And not an, "I'm sorry, but… ") With Mercury now on course in your worldly ninth house, turn your attention to travel plans and even doing business with someone in a different country code.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
August 23 to September 22
Want to move on from a toxic situation? Then you have to really close the door, Virgo. And shutting it for good means shutting down any talks about the matter. Every time you bring it up, you relive that fresh hell in some small way. On Tuesday, the quarter moon in Leo and your healing 12th house can help you get closure. First, give yourself one more chance to rant about this situation. Write out everything you're furious or sad about and what you wish had happened differently. When you're done scrawling (which might take pages…) do a ritual burning of the paper to release the situation into the universe's hands. Maybe you've been a little too forgiving? If so, these balancing moonbeams help you create healthier boundaries. You don't have to cut people out of your life, but start saying "No" when you need to — there's nothing to feel guilty about!
People's true intentions become clearer on Wednesday as Mercury ends a rocky, three-week retrograde in your secretive eighth house. Since April 9, it's been hard to figure out what's true and who to trust. But before your suspicious mind goes off the rails, take heart. With Mercury correcting course on hump day, your intuition is back to "sharp as a tack" status. No sweeping those unsettling signals under the rug or ruminating about them in private. Instead, ask pointed questions and run legit background checks. If people have proven themselves untrustworthy, forget about extending another chance. Cut them off as an act of self-preservation. The last thing you need is for a snake to slither into your inner circle and betray you, Virgo! Protect your peeps and yourself.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
September 23 to October 22
Many hands make light work, Libra! But before you go "mano a mano" with a new group, figure out who the right collaborators would be. With Tuesday's quarter moon in Leo lighting up your 11th house of team and tech, you'll be inspired to draft members for your dream team. Where do you shine — and what skills are so not your strong suit? You don't need a clone of yourself, but rather people who can pick up where you leave off. Once you have a clear picture in mind, ask friends to make introductions. Scour Facebook groups and run a Google search, too. Your future squad could be spread out all over the world — and you might prefer the independence that comes from collaborating remotely. While you're at it, give your profiles some polish to make sure you're representing like the pro that you are.
Happy news for your love life comes on Wednesday, when flirty Mercury rouses from a retrograde that began on April 9. Did you recently (and maybe regrettably) re-light an old flame? Snuff it out if you got burned again. Or, if this is the sophomore hit your heart wanted, make it official — again. Coupled Libras may have weathered some extra tension or felt distant and detached. What have you been afraid to say to bae? After Wednesday, you'll be ready to come clean. Better to get your woes out into the open than to let a good relationship die on the vine! Take the risk to talk it out and let the creative solutions emerge.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
October 23 to November 21
Step up to the podium, Scorpio! Tuesday’s quarter moon in Leo draws you into the public eye — and this time, you could be in a position of leadership and authority. Have politics been calling your name? Or maybe a more executive title? If you're not ready to leap, start scouting out leads for your ascent. A mentor figure might be an email away or maybe there's a summer program you could enroll in. Growth is exciting, and your stability-loving sign will be happy to see it come at the measured (instead of extreme) pace that this quarter moon brings. If you've been quietly achieving behind the scenes, launch a little strategic self-promotion this week. You want the powers that be to peg you as the influencer you are — and that means making them aware of all your savvy skills and wins.
Did you fall off the spring training wagon, Scorpio? With buzzy Mercury retrograde, primarily in your wellness zone, since April 9, you may have been so slammed at work that you had zero time for the gym. But did you fall into the trap of playing office martyr (or, cough, control freak), taking on too many assignments or failing to delegate to your willing colleagues? Step out of the stress spiral as Mercury corrects course. Start by streamlining, simplifying, and, yes, outsourcing what you can't handle. It can help to systematise now, so pick set times to eat lunch every day and peg a few slots for fitness. Self-care should be a priority, Scorpio, not a luxury! Remember that and reschedule meetings that clash with your 6 p.m. hot yoga jam.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
November 22 to December 21
That gambling instinct of yours has gotten you in trouble at times, Sagittarius, but that's no reason to snuff it out. This Tuesday, the quarter moon in Leo lands in your venturesome, optimistic ninth house. If you're getting good vibes from a situation, forge ahead and explore it! A calculated risk could pay off this week — so look, dabble, and try things on before you totally leap. Wanderlust is in your cosmic DNA and these moonbeams can inspire you to travel. Globe-trot sensibly by securing days off before you book the plane ticket and using these savvy hacks for getting a great deal on airfare.
If you've been drowning in drama, you'll secure a life raft this Wednesday, as Mercury snaps out of a three-week retrograde. This signal-muddling cycle may have dimmed your glamorous lights and made you feel kind of "meh" about the whole spring fever thing. But from Wednesday until May 16, you get a do-over. Flirty Mercury powers forward through your passionate fifth house, making a fearless flirt out of you. Stay "camera ready," Sag, because Mercury is charging up your fame zone, too. Style bloggers will come a-snapping or you could schedule your own photo shoot. (Why not?) Take that Pinterest inspo and head to the salon — like Archers Miley Cyrus and Zoe Kravitz, you may be game for a cute pixie or some bleached blonde locks!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
December 22 to January 19
Are you in or are you out? You're not one to waffle on a commitment, Capricorn — not once you've made up your mind. But other signs aren't always quite as comfortable playing the long game as you are. This Tuesday's quarter moon in Leo falls in your "all or nothing" eighth house and it might be time to give someone an ultimatum. (Hey, it worked for Jenna Dewan, why not you?) Life may be a circus, but you don't need to suffer clowns. Not in the bedroom, the boardroom, or at band practice. Nope. If you've been the one stuck in constant uncertainty, be honest with yourself. Are you really "just scared," or are you settling for something that's merely satisfactory? Falling in love with people's potential can be a huge trap for Caps. If they aren't what you want and need now, set them free and find someone who is ready to level up.
On Wednesday, the emotion ocean gets a lot smoother as Mercury wakes up from a retrograde that began on April 9. Those feels have been rather overpowering for the past few weeks, and yeah, you probably took things a little too personally — especially with family and your inner circle of friends. As the week goes on, you'll regain perspective. Maybe they were just trying to be helpful, not tear you down. After Wednesday, have any heart-to-hearts needed to bring back the love. Old friends may have entered the picture while your newer pals saw less of you. Now's the time to unite both factions of your social life. Magic things can happen when you bring your queens together for a girl's night out this weekend!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
January 20 to February 18
Tired of doing the "Single Ladies" dance — or are you desperately craving more space for yourself? On Tuesday, the quarter moon in Leo lands in your relationship zone, bringing a balanced perspective to your partnership style. Pairing up won't make loneliness go away, Aquarius; in fact, dating with that expectation can make you feel desperate. No matter your relationship status, use this week to fuel up all your tanks (not just the love one). Sign up for a workshop that feeds your soul, pursue an artistic or intellectual interest, mingle with new friend groups. Physical exercise is a surefire mood booster, too — and nothing gets you in your body quite like a vigorous run or a series of graceful yoga postures. And don't feel bad about leaving bae behind. Just explain that you're not going AWOL and that you'll be far more available for fun and connection once you've had a little "me time."
Was it something you said, Aquarius? Sorry to tell you, but yeah. You've had more than the usual number of foot-in-mouth moments ever since Mercury turned retrograde on April 9. But on Wednesday, your spotty signal goes full strength again, helping you clear up your mistakes with grace — like calling someone the wrong name during a crucial conference call or accidentally spreading fake news. Tension with a sibling or close friend will begin dissolving now, too. Apologise for your part in the matter and let them know that you really want to patch things up. When you turn on that sweet and friendly charm, only a cold-hearted snake would hold a grudge. And if you happen to be dealing with one, isn't it best to know so you can keep your distance?
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
February 19 to March 20
Sun salutations, anyone? Tuesday's quarter moon in Leo lights up your self-care zone, motivating you off the sofa and onto the mat. Feeling fried and frazzled just isn't fun and with your busy schedule, you need to make it your business to de-stress. Forget artificial boosters. Try clean fuel instead. Swap out one of those coffee refills with energizing (but hydrating) green tea; add more greens to your plate. Quarter moons are like gentle nudges, so avoid doing anything "extreme." And try some hacks that will make the whole healthy living thing easier, like keeping a gym bag packed and downloading a recipe app that you can choose from before you hit Trader Joe's. Moderation will get you to your goal, and you’re less likely to injure yourself by going the slow and steady route.
On Wednesday, loosen up those purse strings a little and let your guard down at work. With messenger Mercury retrograde since April 9, you may have overspent on festival outfits just as a forgotten bill came in. And tension with coworkers sure did ramp up! Clarity returns on hump day as Mercury resumes direct motion again. Get your budget back in order — and set aside a little coin for some spring cuteness. A Pisces cannot live on thrift store steals alone! (Although you do love your vintage.) If your work superiors have been sending scrambled signals and unclear directions, call a summit to develop smarter workflow procedures. With proper communication you can get the dream team vibes back in place.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
March 21 to April 19
Rev up your romantic life, Aries — but dial down the drama. Tuesday’s quarter moon in Leo lights up your fifth house of passion and brings some balance to matters of the heart. Frustrated or bored in your current relationship? Don't ghost without at least trying to improve the situation. Do some legit date planning instead of being so spontaneous all the time. Thoughtful gestures like surprise reservations at their favourite spot, or a night out to see that band they’ve been raving about can bring back the sparks. Single Rams, refresh your dating app profile with some new photos. These glamorous Leo moonbeams give you the perfect excuse for dressing up.
Has everyone been talking in circles the past three weeks? With Mercury retrograde since April 9, you've weathered a seemingly endless barrage of misunderstandings and misfires. And it only got worse when Mercury slipped back into Aries on April 20. So frustrating! Good news: On Wednesday, the communication planet pivots back into direct motion — and powerfully sails through your sign until May 16. Your silver tongue is back! Take advantage of this window to pitch, promote, and present. Did you put an ankle boot in your mouth or slack on an assignment? Apologise profusely and ask for a do-over. You'll nail it this time.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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