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Your February Horoscope, Revealed


Hit the snooze button, because we’re headed to dreamland. After January’s series of reality checks, we deserve the dose of inspired vision that’s coming our way.

The sun stays in future-oriented Aquarius until the 18th, triggering revolutionary insights into where your peers and society are headed. On the 3rd, freedom-fighting Jupiter runs into Venus, planet of values, asking you to enlarge your heart and invest more in your fellow humans. Like a good-humoured sleepwalker, you may be lured into over-performing your best intentions and promising more than you can give. Mental Aquarius will help you direct your good will toward learning more about how to make our communities more fair, honest, and equitable.

Much of February is coloured by a spacey standoff, peaking on the 17th, between a hyperactive Sagittarian Mars and stoner Neptune. Don’t be fooled by the Neptune’s bleary gaze: The planet will have no trouble convincing Mars to toke up and tune into a month-long Netflix binge. Normally, Mars powers us through our daily life, with a healthy dose of self-centred focus and plenty of vim. With Mars on couch lock, it may feel like the fire’s gone out. The downside of this transit is that self-oriented motivations — like wins, promotions, and quickie hookups — will be less rewarding and a few minutes of exercise may feel like a heavy slog. Neptune says to put your selfishness on the back burner and turn your compassion into action.

Pisces season officially starts on the 18th, but by then the sign’s intuitive, foggy style will be as familiar as the comfy dent in your sofa. Struggling against the energy is pointless — and why do that to yourself? This can be a restful and restorative period if you take it as it comes. Feed your imagination with hopeful visions, be kind to your sleepy body, and offer to help out for free. Anonymous gifts and volunteerism are supported by this combo, as are art-making, art-appreciation, and traveling for its own sake. To reach a goal, eavesdrop on your dreams. By the 25th, Mars is rubbing the sleep-dust out of its eyes and will want to do something with the beautiful visions it saw. Mars says to end your month with a bold act of caring: Risk everything for beauty, shoot for love, fight for art, and arm-wrestle for justice.

January 20 to February 18

We’re all whistling your theme song, Aquarius. It’s a way cooler tune than "Happy Birthday," full of unexpected instruments, weird stops and starts, and multi-voiced choruses. It takes a special style to appreciate Aquarian music. Some people will never get it — but hey, that’s their loss.

For the first couple weeks of February, the pace of your day-to-day could be hectic and unpredictable with busy Mercury in your sign. I promise it won’t be boring, though. Regular encounters have more than usual significance, and even the tone deaf will be whistling your tune. Get out into the world, even if just to the end of your block, because everyone will be a potential friend-of-the-moment with important information to share. Your informal style is especially appreciated right now, as people are temporarily tired of social hierarchies. Groups are down for a change, so this is a great time to cross any boundaries that have been bugging you without having to worry about offending group members.

On the 15th, a solar eclipse in your sign electrifies relationship baggage and any old wishes that are holding you back. Opportunities are available for the taking, especially for those Aquariuses with mid-February birthdays. You may not be able to reverse your decision, but chances are you’ll be happier where you’re headed.

Don’t take it personally if your social life dries up mid-month. Most people are feeling zonked and maybe suffering from Neptune-driven late-winter blues. It’s prime chillaxing time for you, but be aware of an inclination to future-trip, even if you’re excited about what you foresee. No matter how far you run in your brain, you’ll have to come back to your body and any feelings you left there. The last week of the month will be exciting but still wonky. Have fun, gently. You’re not 100% clear yet.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

February 19 to March 20

How big is your world, Pisces? Is it large enough to hold your dreams?

Sparkly ideas shoot around like Cupid's arrows at the beginning of the month. Your belief in the people you love is beautiful. Those relationships will feel full of possibility for a short time. It’s right to go toward who draws you and who opens your heart, or gaze upon a far-off babe. Those heart sparkles will wear off eventually and beautiful, broken people often fail to live up to expectations. Love them, but protect yourself, too. In astrology, relationships and possessions are tied up together, so those arrows may bypass a person and strike a beautiful pair of shoes instead. The same rules apply, though, and when it comes to your bank account, debt collectors are a bigger risk than heartbreak.

On the 10th, lovely Venus arrives in your sign (her favourite place, by the way), marking the unofficial beginning of Pisces season. Relationships lose their hard edges, giving a restorative refuge from the outer world. Romance comes easily — with a lost kitten, a friend, a teacher, a day-old sandwich — and without discrimination. Even a sneeze can sound like it means "I love you." Again, this may or may not be a long-term love, but there’s no law against enjoying it while it lasts.

By the 18th, it'll feel like every planet and their mother is in Pisces. The pace of events will slow quite a bit, and you’ll likely find yourself hesitating to make decisions, set goals, speak, and get your work done. That’s wise, so long as you’re taking care of necessary business. Bills coming due and deadlines may seem flexible, but that’s probably wishful thinking. Your intuition can give you useful guidance (one of the bonuses of being a Pisces) but regular fact-checking with reality will only make it more reliable.

Celebrate the beginning of your birthday season by sharing your Piscean ways with others. Paint, play music, visit water, write group poems, volunteer, worship what wants (and deserves) your devotion. The more you give this month, the happier you’ll feel.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

March 21 to April 19

Prepare for the adventure of a nap time, Ram. It’s a bushwhack into the underbrush in bunny slippers. It’s the Avengers with bowls of superheroic chicken soup. Your ruling planet, Mars, is the star of February, but it's subtitled and has long shots of blank walls. What I mean is, it’s going to be incredibly easy to go overboard this month and end up exhausted and sick.

Mars in fiery, inspired Sagittarius wants to climb the biggest mountain but forgot to pack any supplies. If this already sounds like you, keep in mind that, right now, Mars is ascending into a deep fog. Pure desire just won’t get you there this month. For your plans to succeed, you need to draw on unconventional energy sources and that might require slowing down. Consider your motivations. Who else benefits if you reach your goal? Will you be bringing to life a collective dream or yearning? The more you come from a place of caring and connection, the easier it will be to stay inspired.

The beginning and end of the month have the most space for headway. Do what you can during these weeks, but pay attention to your energy levels. As mid-February nears, schedule extra downtime and zone-outs. Chilling out can be almost as interesting as action, if you use the time to get creative and play. Antsy-ness peaks around the 23rd, when the sugar-high Gemini moon tries to get Mars to start a dumb argument. It might feel like your wheels are spinning in place, but your subconscious is busy dreaming up the next stage for your fabulous plots. Once you pick up speed again, you will be able to go-go-go without pausing to think.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

April 20 to May 20

When you’re feeling the love, giving comes naturally. The planets want to reconnect you with your soft side, Taurus. Venus, your ruling planet, represents personal values, which is what makes you a values-driven person. One by one, Venus will be paying visits to the Zodiac’s ambassadors of kindness and freedom (Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune) and the signs associated with sharing (Aquarius and Pisces). Each encounter will invite you to align your values and relationship more closely with what will heal those around you and improve your community.

Venus’ first few stops — with Jupiter on the 3rd and Uranus on the 6th — emphasise freedom and independence. These qualities will be important during these days. Your relationships may need some extra breathing room, too. It should be fun to loosen things up. You’ll have plenty of opportunities for new connections and the sort of pleasurable adventures associated with the phrase “spice up your love life."

On the 10th, Venus enters Pisces. At worst, this can make you idealise your loved ones, but happiness lies in keeping your relationships and leisure time simple, so you can appreciate what’s already there. When Venus passes by Neptune on the 21st, this energy intensifies. You’re more sensitive than usual to others’ pain, making it tough to maintain sensible boundaries. Use your sense of comfort as a guide and step back when you feel frazzled or rushed. This will give you space to ground yourself and, when you’re ready, step back in. Be patient with confusing interactions and be willing to let love leave its mark on your priorities. The last week of the month, you’ll have a chance to adjust your behaviour to better reflect what you care about most.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

May 21 to June 20

Life stays interesting this month, Double Fine. Until the 18th, the sun is in Aquarius, a mental air sign like your own. Aquarius’ detached, social, and ever-changing energy fits you well, providing opportunities to use your talent for talk, networking, play, and casual investigations. The first week of February is a stable time that lets you expand your base of operations without having to give anything up. This could mean plenty of the stimulating variety you like or doing a Hermione-like time-stopping trick so you can attend your two favourite bands’ shows at once.

A pace that's way too busy will get awkward, if not impossible, as the month continues. On the 17th, when schedule-coordinating Mercury enters misty Pisces, you’re advised to slow down enough to hear yourself think. Even if you can keep the scrambled energy straight, your Tinder date, lunch buddy, and Meetup group will likely get confused. You’ll need to stay flexible and be open to the unexpected — luckily, that’s kind of the Gemini M.O.

If you have a fuzzy relationship to the truth or like to insist that everything’s subjective, Mercury’s encounter with Neptune on the 24th will make it near impossible to remember which line you told to whom. With the mega pileup on easily-injured Neptune, we’re all going to be more gullible and more sensitive to broken trust. Even if you don’t mean to mislead, others may take your words the wrong way and assume they count for more than they actually do. Communicate as best you can and listen to your inner voice. Other peoples’ feelings aren’t your responsibility, but they sure can cause trouble if you ignore them. Potentially productive arguments are brewing for month’s end. Have fun, but be sure you mean it.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

June 21 to July 22

Imagine you’re floating in amniotic fluid, Cancer, but are signed up to run a marathon later the same afternoon. February has invited you to do something seemingly contradictory: to respond without reacting, to move forward without knowing where you’re going, and to resist self-comforting fantasies while opening your imagination. At first glance this may seem daunting, but it’s just a matter of following your gut.

The learning curve is steepest in early February. Around you, people will making missteps, going too fast, and running into invisible walls — or just gradually slowing to a standstill. You might find yourself stuck in the same muck. Be aware of where you’re reacting to others’ behaviour or getting frustrated. Around the 12th, the moon in Capricorn activates your sun, making you antsy to do and create. Your goals and needs are out of sync, though, and may mess up your timing. If you stop to look around, you’ll see it’s not just you. Your gut sense can guide you to act at the right moment, but your greatest success comes when you let yourself be moved by others’ pain, desire, and inspired vision.

A partial solar eclipse on the 15th lights up opportunities you didn’t know were there. The collective confusion peaks around this time, making it extra important to take care of yourself. Crankiness is good way to tell if you’re burning out or giving too much. Feeling abandoned, on the other hand, could be a clue that you need to get out of the house. Putting the focus on a stranger’s needs will help distract you from weakened self-confidence. A bold act of imagination could turn you into a superhero. Whatever happens, by the 25th, when the moon, your planetary ruler, comes home to Cancer, you’ll be feeling focused and clearer about how to get what you need.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

July 23 to August 22

How can you create more love, Leo? It’s the halfway point of your personal year and time for one last push. Projects you began and happy risks you took around your birthday are reaching a climax. Like a marathon runner about to reach the finish line, you must draw on your reserves and give it a final, high-powered burst. You aren’t going to be able to do this alone, though; if you try, you’ll end up creating enemies and pissing off the people who can help you succeed. Aquarius season is teamwork time, so throw a metaphorical flash mob with your ideal collaborators. Who will win when you do? Spread your spotlight to light up someone else’s talent. The attention they receive will shine on you, too, showing others how generous you can be. It’s a reflection of your true self, but try not to get a big head about it. Attempted generosity will be rejected if the recipient feels you’re being condescending. A good preventative measure is to make a practice of noticing what the people around you are good at, especially when those talents are different from your own. A good team is like a flock of geese: When one gets tired, another pulls to the front of the V, creating lift for everyone else. In other words, when your friends succeed, you do, too.

Getting over yourself is key in the second half of the month. With your ruler, the sun (and a bundle of other planets) in Pisces, you recharge by temporarily stepping off-stage. It’s awesome to know what you’re good at, but being good only matters if you’re doing it out of love. Reexamine any projects that tanked and ask yourself when and where you stopped having fun. The muse will find you if she knows you won’t blow her cover. Let yourself create for the sake of it. You can pick your audience later.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

August 23 to September 22

Take in the big picture, Virgo. Your ruler, quick-thinking Mercury, entered cerebral Aquarius on January 31. For the last month, your nose was scraping against the grindstone, which likely helped you locate the root and try a fix for at least one major problem. Now, you’re straightening up to take in the lay of the land. You’re clear-headed and able to make connections under this influence. Tomorrow will come no matter how present you are today. Make sure your choices will stay relevant by including upcoming factors in your assessment. Friends in other fields have insightful feedback for your approach and your peers have the missing link you need. Put your heads together as a group to engineer cool, future-oriented solutions. Your day-to-day activities will be more interesting if they’re social, so send a group invite the next time you’re headed out to run.

The second half of the month is a bit of a challenge. With the sun, Venus, Mercury, and Neptune in your opposite sign, Pisces, tasks, goals, communication, and relationships will be unclear and sometimes confusing. It may seem chaotic, but that’s only because you’re most confident with clear categories and rules. You’ll need to rely on your weaker muscles of intuition and going with the flow. As with any new exercise class, you may not be doing as many reps as the other patrons of the Pisces gym. Be patient with yourself. Getting comfortable with the unknown is not so complicated. It just requires time and practice. When your anxieties build, look around at people who seem more at ease. What works for them may serve you, too. No matter what, you’ll be learning and that’s what counts.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

September 23 to October 22

The universe wants to be your BFF, Libra. With confident Jupiter high-fiving Venus, your ruling planet, February will begin with a promise that everything is going to work out as it should. Relationships will either feel amazing or just like an extra big deal. Make room for plenty of one-on-one time, especially with new friends and sweeties, or anyone who makes you feel part of their world. People you’re close to have a lot to teach you this month — or you may be ready to play the role of "encouraging big sibling" to a peer. It’s important to stay clear-headed, though. A first date may amount to not much and friends can promise you the moon without any real intention to follow through. Keep your wits about you and you can enjoy the meeting of minds without a rough letdown.

Queen Venus enters the astrological bubble bath that is Pisces on the 10th. Pisces is Venus’ favourite place, which means your strengths — kindness, fair values, receptivity, and responsiveness — are positively flowing and well-received by those around you. Everyone is affected by this transit as well as the movement of the sun and Mercury into Pisces on the 17th, so the world will be more your speed through the end of the month. Dip into your own metaphorical hot tub and open yourself to calls for help. You can partner with others in a subtle, influential way right now. Even your attitude makes a difference. Treat others as if they are capable of being better people and they may step up without noticing that they’re doing it. On the other hand, users will come out of the woodwork during this period. Rather than focusing on fairness, pay attention to your energy level. Someone who drains you likely has nothing to give in return (even if they mean well). Turning away from an energy vampire leaves you free to give to others who need your brains and graces just as much and will be far more appreciative.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

October 23 to November 21

Throw out your old tactics, Scorpio. This month, nudging and seducing people into place will backfire. Even if you have the follow-through, those around you will be too disoriented to play their parts right.

The first week of the month brings stimulating relationships and supports co-adventuring. You might feel you can get away with anything, and it’s true — but only temporarily. There’s no need for cat-and-mouse games, though. Say what you want plainly. Your collaborators and lovers will likely be receptive to any passionate scheme, so long as it’s inspiring.

As the 17th’s Neptune-Mars blind date approaches, you may notice that your energy is waning. Your typical focus will take more out of you. You can fight, but you’ll lose, so I don’t recommend it. Neptune’s whispering to you about the pleasurable release that comes with losing control. This is more about spirituality than sex, though you could try it both ways. To gain the most, give yourself over to (safe, sane) indulgence. What experience takes you out of your mind, in a good way? What trigger turns on your imagination? If your fears creep up to the surface, go swimming, soak in a tub — just visit a body of water. Insights will come when you align your physical experience to your feelings. Avoid the seduction of self-destructive escapes. Spending the month high or (purposefully) rehashing old traumas will leave you confused and weakened on the other end. You’ll surface around the 25th, ideally with a better sense of what you want and a hunger to act. Take a second to regain your bearings. The object of your desire will still be there in March.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

November 22 to December 21

The truth is so close you can almost touch it, Archer. This month could bring you to the brink of understanding and pull it away at the last moment. Or it could help you see what’s been just out view the whole time.

February begins with sparkly chemistry between laid back Venus and adventurous Jupiter, your ruling planet. Your relationships have room for exploration and for both parties to have their own full lives. Take a whirlwind weekend road trip with someone you love or, if you’ve been locked away with your partner, infuse your love life with the romance of distance by hanging out with a new friend. This is a pretty nice period, but it will be easy to assume the other person is saying yes when they’re really on the fence. Your heart has beer goggles on, so have fun, but don’t throw away the receipt for your wedding dress.

On the 13th, Jupiter runs into mental Mercury, setting off an explosive brainstorm. Your mind is on fire, Sag — at least that’s how it feels. The friend on the other end of your messenger chat might disagree. Be kind to the patient people in your life, and don’t run your mouth if no one wants to listen. Your thoughts right now are first draft material — important, but not totally ready for public consumption. Write everything down, get it on video, or speechify to your pet. Later, you’ll have the perspective to cut back, fact check, and make it persuasive.

The second half of the month is quieter, because events are unfolding on a subtle, subconscious level. If you’re bored or antsy by the lack of action, seek out perspective. Libraries, woods, cliffs, starry skies, and city lights have secrets to whisper. Before you poo-poo the answers from the cosmos, let them soak in. The back of your mind needs some time to make the connections before it knows what’s real and what’s hot, fresh BS.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

December 22 to January 19

Good timing means knowing when to act and when to wait, Cappy. This month is one of those waiting periods. Which isn’t to say it’s a nonevent. In fact, what’s going down is crucial for your self-development.

During the first weeks of February, you’re solidly in provocative Aquarius territory. You have a solid, stable image, but you know change and breakdown are key for long-term stability. You often have to move across the country to get the job you want or cancel a going-nowhere romance to find a partner for life. With the sun, Venus, and Mercury in Aquarius, small changes early in the month speed your growth. The catch is, you don’t yet know where you’re going to land. That can be scary, but fear is just a feeling. Are you really going to let a mood hold you back?

As the month continues, it may feel like you’re traveling through fog — or that your voice is getting distorted through layers of water. The confusion is collective, but your brain’s resident gremlins may tell you it's your fault. Instead of tiring yourself out by pushing through invisible barriers, go back to the last landmark you recognise. Once you stop fighting for control, you’ll be able to see the trouble those around you are getting into. If they’re receptive, you can do a lot of good by guiding them to safety. Supporting others will show how far you’ve come since the last time you were lost and help you regain confidence. Around the 25th, the moon in Cancer, your opposite sign, offers energy and inspiration. You’re still a bit foggy, so ease into action, making sure to check in with anyone who has a stake in your goals. Reflect on what you’ve learned this month, especially any new understanding about your true desires. You’re working hard to reach your destination. Make sure it’s the one you want.

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.

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