Freedom and commitment can coexist, and this week's planets are out to prove it. On Monday, big-loving Venus and liberated Jupiter host their annual heart-to-heart — and in 2017, playing-for-keeps Scorpio is their host. Warm-fuzzy feelings wash over the world, and after that comes the question: How far can we take this thing together? Saturday's new moon in Scorpio will press the matter further. The downside: In business and personal affairs, people will be more possessive than usual all week. And yes, there could be cameos from the green-eyed monster.
But instead of starting a bar fight or Twitter war over some feelings, use envy as your compass. Low key, do you want more from a particular relationship? Is your potential "other half" on the same page? These planetary shifts give us the courage to find out for real. If the answer is "no," cut your losses and move on because Scorpio energy is all or nothing. But if you get a "hell yes," grab each other's hand and go rolling in the deep!

October 23 to November 21
Sometimes it is the little things — and maybe you've been worrying about them big time, Scorpio. But fret no more. On Monday, beauty-loving Venus and generous Jupiter allow you to loosen your grip a little and find acceptance. Ever heard the saying, “Don’t sweat the petty things”? Consider it your motto for the week. Jupiter rules travel and adventure: Scour the web for fare alerts and last-minute deals. A short trip will help get you out of your head and regain perspective. A travel romance could bubble up with Venus in the mix.
Put some bubbles on ice this weekend because Saturday is a major event on your cosmic calendar! The only new moon in Scorpio of 2017 arrives, marking your astrological New Year. What are your dreams, Scorpio? What does your heart desire? Create intentions around these goals today and get to manifesting by taking concrete action steps. The corresponding Scorpio full moon in six months will make your dreams come true — if you are willing to do the work to bring them to life.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
November 22 to December 21
The Buddha said that holding on to anger is like holding a hot rock and expecting the other person to get burned. Well, Sagittarius, it’s time to drop that rock. On Monday, peaceful Venus and your ruler, big-picture Jupiter, meet up in your 12th house of closure. If you’ve been clinging to a long-standing grudge, hug it out and move on. But forgiving and forgetting may not be the best strategy. You may need to confront this with all the grace and diplomacy you can muster in order to clear the air for good. But if it’s not a good idea for your health or your heart to contact this person, make it a one-sided goodbye. You’re the one who deserves a clean slate — accomplish it in the way that’s best for you, Sagittarius.
On Saturday, this year’s only new moon in Scorpio lands in your 12th house of rest, healing, and closure. Use the weekend to indulge in some serious self-care, Sagittarius: Lay low, work on a personal passion, or hunker down with a good book or your Netflix queue. If you need face-time, engage in a spiritually minded convo with a close friend. Is there something (or someone) you need to release? Even if you’re not 100% ready, take a leap of faith — and, as the song says, let it go.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
December 22 to January 19
It’s the more the merrier this Monday as warm-hearted Venus links up with jovial Jupiter in your collaborative 11th house. Rally your nearest and dearest around you for some hang time! Schedule a coffee date with a mentor or colleague to discuss a new project or have a spirited chat with a good friend. Does it feel like you're working too hard in a friendship or romance? Ease off the gas a little — and you may be pleasantly surprised when they step up on their own. On the other hand, maybe you've been projecting expectations onto someone before your relationship has had time to develop. Rome — and romance — weren't built in a day!
Saturday delivers the year’s only new moon in Scorpio in your 11th house of group activity. Have you been hoping to fill up more dates on the entertainment side of your calendar? Start asking people for legit plans and confirming away. This lunar liftoff provides all kinds of opportunities to connect with kindred spirits and creative collaborators. The 11th house also rules tech and you could discover your soul squad online with a few well-aimed clicks. Want to make your mark as a social media personality or to create an online business? It's go time, Capricorn, so start developing for a launch by the corresponding full moon, six months from now.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
January 20 to February 18
Spreading yourself too thin, Aquarius? Early this week, Jupiter syncs up with magnetic Venus in your 10th house of career, leading to a few late nights at the office and a few where you have to bring your work home with you (sigh). You may have to pass on a few social invitations, but remember to make time for play — and not just work. Sure, you’re psyched about a new project and won’t let anything stand between you and success — totally admirable! But people love to do business with people they actually like. This week's strategy: Nurture personal ties with your network. Inviting your colleagues to talk shop over lunch or brainstorm over after-work cocktails could be your savviest move of the working week.
Saturday’s new moon in Scorpio will also activate your 10th house of professional ambition, opening a fresh six-month chapter for your career. You’re in serious manifesting mode between now and the corresponding Scorpio full moon in six months. So ask yourself what does your heart most desire: a promotion to management or to be a digital nomad and work from anywhere? Whatever the dream, bring it into clearer focus by tacking it up on a vision board. Every day when you see it in front of you, you’ll work for it a little harder — until one day it’s a done deal.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
February 19 to March 20
It’s time to get real on Monday as truth-bearer Jupiter and harmoniser Venus come together in your nakedly honest ninth house. Check in: What are you feeling, really? Deep down, is there a mixed bag of emotions begging you to sift through them? Best to process with a neutral third party before you have a heart-to-heart — and don’t be afraid of what the convo brings up. The good news is that you’re moving toward clarity at lightning speed. Before the week is over, you could have a heartwarming jam session about the future with someone you adore.
Ready for an adventure? On Saturday, wanderlust — the incurable kind — strikes as the year’s only new moon in Scorpio pays a visit to your global ninth house. Where have you always wanted to go? Check out travel blogs and fare deals. Your exploration could reveal a plan that's more doable than you previously realised. Send a text to your far-flung friends. You’ve been dying to visit and, hey, maybe they have a spare room or couch you can crash on in exchange for some help with a project or a fancy dinner on you.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
March 21 to April 19
Ooh, la la, Aries. On Monday, Jupiter and Venus meet up — and encourage you to do some meeting up of your own. You’ve never been shy, and this connection nudges you to take a chance on the object of your affection. If they’re available, what do you have to lose? Their loss if they take a pass, Ram. Break the ice with a sexy text message and make your move. But don’t play all your cards at once. Save some of the mystery for the boudoir. That said, you may end up showing more than your cards. Pillow talk could get real — in a soul-baring kind of way. Already coupled up? Take the plunge into deeper waters. Is there something you’ve avoided talking about? Bring it out into the open, Aries — your candour will only draw you closer together.
Saturday’s new moon in Scorpio lands in your erotic eighth house, rounding out your week of romantic adventures. Whether your status is single, spoken for, or complicated, lean into that lovin’ feeling. Unattached? A worthy romantic match or even a well-suited business partner is within your reach. It's just up to you to put in the effort to meet them. Neither need to be your knight-with-a-shining-iPhone-X for the connection to change your life in a positive way. Just seek a complementary force. Already have a partner in crime? Deepen your bond by doing something outside your comfort zone — and be sure to choose a safe word!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
April 20 to May 20
There's no mountain you can’t climb this week, Bull, and no waters that can’t be calmed by Jupiter and Venus’s Monday meetup in your fair-minded seventh house. Have the seas been stormy in your relationship? This week could bring smoother sailing — or rapidly rushing developments. (Ring shopping, maybe?) Single Bulls, serendipity is the name of the game. Expand your horizons and swipe on someone who’s not your usual type. Global Jupiter broadens your territory. Who will you meet if you travel or venture beyond the usual venues; or if you change your Tinder and Bumble search criteria? Couples can stoke the flame by doing something outside your normal routine. Try an activity that excites you both and enjoy the butterflies it creates.
On Saturday, the year's only new moon in Scorpio kindles your seventh house of partnerships and revs your romantic engines once again. Single? Dive back into the dating pool. Attached? Steer your present relationship into deeper waters by giving it the attention and TLC it needs to be strong and stay strong. You won’t get a chance like this for another year, Taurus. Take this new moon by the horns and steer your closest connections where you want them to go.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
May 21 to June 20
Mmm. Feel that, Gemini? That’s Monday's warm-fuzzy merger of Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio, helping you feel serene and especially selfless. They say you’ve got to give your love away, and that’s what this cosmic coupling is all about. Let generous acts of service be your "love language" this week. It's easy. Find a cause you believe in and devote some time and energy to it. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a long time and chat them up. You never know who needs an unexpected kind word. Be the change.
Of course, you can’t draw water from empty wells, so on Saturday return your focus to your own vitality as the new moon in Scorpio powers up your sixth house of healthy living. Roll out your yoga mat, lace up your cross trainers — heck, even try Prancer-sizing if that’s your jam — and get moving. This is a good opportunity to look at how you nourish yourself: What small tweaks can you make so you feel strong and energised — and not deprived or depressed? Food is our fuel, after all, so, uh, what’s in your tank?
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
June 21 to July 22
Dim the lights and crank down the thermostat. You're bringing plenty of heat on your own, thanks to Monday’s meetup of eager Venus and hedonistic Jupiter in your passionate fifth house. Love knows no bounds under this lusty starmap: Single Crabs should broaden their search and cast a wider net. Someone is waiting to get scooped up by you (lucky them), but they might be farther from home base than you realise. Attached? Dial up the romance with a weeknight date. Maybe a dress-up dinner at a new restaurant — a favourite for your foodie sign.
On Saturday, the only Scorpio new moon of 2017 stokes the flames of your fifth house, opening a new six-month chapter in your book of love. Single and looking? Revisit the search criteria on your dating apps and ask your friends if they know anyone perfect for you — you never know where or when something magical might turn up. Already in a relationship? Use that creativity and mix things up.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
July 23 to August 22
Everyone wants you on their team — and why wouldn’t they, o' loyal lioness? But don’t spread yourself too thin this week. Monday’s cosy Venus-Jupiter conjunction in your domestic zone reminds you your closest peeps are the real MVPs — and the most deserving of your time and energy. Rally your family — the ones you share legit-DNA or heart-DNA with — for a fun night in, like a potluck dinner or another binge-watching of Stranger Things 2. If your loved ones are far, organise a Google Hangout or put your sister on speaker while you prep dinner or sip a glass of vino on the couch. Needing a more dramatic change of scenery? A listing could pop up that charms you into relocating. Another option: Redecorate with trinkets and treasures you’ve collected on your world travels.
On Saturday, the year’s only new moon in Scorpio lands directly in your fourth house, bringing another prompt to focus on matters of home and family. Do you need a new flatmate, an update to your current place, or better relationships with your fam? Hit refresh on domestic affairs. While you’re at it, clean out your closet and start a Christmas shopping fund with the goods you sell online. The lunar lift over the next sixth months is prime time to manifest your ideal living situation.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
August 23 to September 22
Opposites do attract, Virgo — and they can make sparks fly. On Monday, a playful Venus-Jupiter meetup nudges you to flirt with someone who’s normally “not your type” — or are they? This unlikely candidate could captivate you with enticing conversation — and even get you to see things in a refreshingly new way. With worldly Jupiter in your interstellar mix, they might even be from a different background or country. Even if it’s not a love match, your connection could lead to a solid friendship or even a creative collab down the line. You never know, so just start with a coffee date.
On Saturday, get cosy at home when the only Scorpio new moon this year arrives in your third house of local activity. Looking for a new adventure? Check out the happenings around your town — you may be surprised by what’s around the corner. Over the next six months, you could find your fix of fun, creativity, and community engagement in your own backyard. If you’ve been looking for a worthwhile org to get involved with, start talking to local causes that speak to you — and get the DL on how you can help from an insider.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
September 23 to October 22
Spender bender alert! If you've been Amazon-Prime-ing the heck out of cosy scarves for autumn or scooping up sale goodies for next summer, we can't blame you, Libra. But are you burning faster than you're earning? This Monday, magnetic Venus and abundant Jupiter provide some monetary relief as they sync up in your financial second house. Look beyond the seductive material lures (for the moment). This week, you can balance things out by also creating a legit savings plan. Don't worry: Pleasure planet Venus will help you enjoy the little things and keep you from feeling deprived. Look at it this way: Taking control of your finances now will empower you with more of a cushion to draw from later.
On Saturday, 2017’s only new moon in Scorpio brings you more cosmic support for your cashflow. If you’ve been caught in a spending loop-de-loop, these moonbeams can pull you out of that repetitive cycle and help kickstart your own personal six-month economic stimulus plan. Since money — sadly — doesn’t grow on trees, create a realistic financial plan for yourself. Polish up your CV and LinkedIn profile and get to networking, baby. Who are the influencers in your field? Set up coffee meetings with them. One sincere conversation can open the pearly gates to opportunity.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Related Video
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