Passion, intrigue and undeniable chemistry! Messenger Mercury casts a seductive spell on the world as he plunges into Scorpio's sultry waters from Tuesday until 5th November. Why say it with flowers when a flashing glance or naughty sext can be so much more impactful? But sit back and observe before making your move. The element of surprise can be the biggest aphrodisiac of all. Careful, however, that you don't get so swept up in the cat and mouse games that you wind up on a wild goose chase!
Cosmic cuffing season begins on Thursday when the annual new moon in Libra increases the worldwide urge to merge. These harmonious moonbeams are a clarion call for world peace — or at least a signal to adopt the stance of a peaceful warrior or a justice warrior. That paradoxical notion becomes oh-so-real on Sunday when feisty Mars also lands in Libra until 9th December. Lay down your sword and "fight" using (Libra) Mahatma Gandhi's approach of passive resistance. As the human rights champion famously said, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

September 23 to October 22
Ready to bring some order to the Libra court? Systematic Mercury brings you the practical magic you need this week as he sails into your sensible (but sensual) second house until 5th November. Focus on the bottom line — especially when it comes to your budget. You may have to tighten up your belt for a few weeks or get creative about your indulgences. For example, if you can't afford a shopping spree, set up a clothing swap. Need to allocate restaurant funds for rent? Have a potluck instead of going out. Clever Mercury can help you drum up new ways to earn. What can you sell on eBay or turn into an Etsy side hustle? Maybe it's time to enrol in specialised training that will help you command a higher salary. And when you're at the office, bring your A-game. The efforts you make now could land you an end-of-year bonus or promotion.
On Thursday, you may already feel like you're celebrating New Year as 2017's only new moon in Libra electrifies the skies. These revitalising moonbeams call for a fresh start! Sit down to map out some goals, wishes and resolutions that you'd like to bring to life by the corresponding Libra full moon on 31st March 2018. But wait...there's more! On Sunday, major momentum comes your way as red-hot Mars swings into your sign until 9th December. The red planet only visits every 18 months and when it does, your life takes off at an accelerated pace. To capitalise on these beams, however, you're going to have to put yourself first. Prioritise your passions and those projects you need to finish up. Then, you can share the spoils of your victory with your squad over the festive period.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
October 23 to November 21
Speak your mind, Scorpio! This Tuesday, messenger Mercury starts his annual trek through your sign and blesses you with enhanced communication powers until 5th November. People will hang on to your every word, snap and tweet. Use your gift of the gab to raise awareness about your latest pet project or an activist cause you want to put some energy behind. You'll be a lot more outspoken in personal relationships, too. If you've been simmering about a friend or family member's recent offence, initiate a dialogue instead of holding it in. Nothing beats direct communication when it comes to resolving an issue. Pro tip: Give people a chance to explain themselves before flinging accusations. They might not be innocent but they're also probably not as guilty as you've made them out to be.
Are you ready to leave something (or someone) behind, Scorpio? Thursday's new moon falls in Libra and your 12th house of transitions. While you don't have to ghost, slowly start heading for the exit. A gracious goodbye is always preferable so as not to burn bridges. Give people ample notice and, if appropriate, help them find a replacement. On Sunday, your co-ruler, make-it-happen Mars also plants in Libra and your 12th house. If you didn't realise it was time to move on, this Mars cycle will make that patently obvious. Enlist support for your journey: therapists, healers, shamans, wise friends, and mentors. Finding the next thing will be a lot easier if you tap into people who have "been there, done that." By the time Mars heads into Scorpio on 9th December, you'll have a clear view of what's next.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
November 22 to December 21
Extremely over it, Sagittarius — or still hanging on? This Tuesday, mindful Mercury moves into your 12th house of transitions until 5th November and helps you figure out what (and who) should stay or go. Tie up loose ends so you can put a project to bed — and cut ties with toxic people who are always taking without giving back. Maybe you're ready to ghost an unfulfilling job or stressful client. If you don't literally leave, you'll certainly need to put up better boundaries. But change is never easy — and harder still when you're trying to do it alone. Reach out for advice and support. Maybe a more experienced colleague would let you treat them for lunch next week in exchange for some mentoring. Sessions with a coach or therapist could also put some life-changing wind beneath your wings.
That blank space you open up in your calendar won't stay empty for long. Thursday's new moon in Libra and your communal 11th house will reboot your social life. On Sunday, go-getter Mars will also leap into Libra's league until 9th December. Use the time leading up to your birthday to explore new scenes or become more involved in a group that you love being part of. Your search and discovery mission could lead you to a "high-vibe tribe" of activists or people who share your desire to make the world a better place. An online venture could bring sweeping success, too. Join the constellation of Instagram luminaries or launch your own podcast or app.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
December 22 to January 19
Say "yes" to drinks and those concert tickets, too. This Tuesday, outgoing Mercury sails into Scorpio and sets your social life on fire. Your friend list could swell to new proportions when you drop the agenda and just have fun for fun's sake. Of course, a Capricorn never stops aspiring, so keep a few business cards in your party clutch because you might just make a fateful connection at a Halloween party or karaoke.
But don't ignore all the bleeps and blings of your work phone. Thursday's new moon in Libra and your 10th house of success launches a fresh, six-month cycle for your career. Then, on Sunday, fierce Mars joins the Libran realm and brings major momentum for your professional life until 9th December. Keep hustling and you could wrap 2017 with big money in the bank and a crown of feathers in your fedora. The key is to focus on your top goal (okay, maybe two or three) and focus your energy there. Mars can be stressful, too; more reason to ensure that you’re delegating to the squad and taking regular breaks to blow off steam. Your relationship with a key male figure could become lively and energetic. But you’ll butt heads, too, so make sure to take cool-down breaks when conversations get tense.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
January 20 to February 18
Shift into focus mode, Aquarius. This Tuesday, strategic Mercury roots down in your 10th house of career until 5th November. You've got a task list as long as your arm, but you'll never get it done if you're scattering your energy in too many directions. To maximise this Mercury cycle, pick one or two goals that you want to crush before the year is over and give them your all. With this social planet at the helm, knowing the right people is as important as churning out high-quality work. Make appearances at industry shindigs and networking events and watch your professional status soar.
Travelling could also bring a fresh wave of opportunity, so cast a wider net. Thursday could find you obsessing over faraway vistas as the new moon in Libra energises your nomadic ninth house. Although you have six months to work with this energy, start thinking about your next epic getaway — yes, even if you're just pinning images or bookmarking retreat registration pages. But just try to ignore that wanderlust on Sunday, when restless Mars joins Libra and your worldly ninth house until 9th December. "Home for the holidays" might not be your jam this year — unless you’re grabbing your passport and visiting your relatives overseas. With Olympian Mars in this athletic zone, your sporty side demands airtime. From power yoga to hitting the powder, burn off excess energy with a physical challenge that is also fun.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
February 19 to March 20
Come on out of that comfort zone, Pisces, and give your gambling instincts a whirl. Clever Mercury rolls the dice in Scorpio and your daring ninth house from Tuesday until 5th November. We're not telling you to leap before you look. But if you do your research, you may realise that it's safe to stretch — and even further than you thought was possible. Explore intriguing opportunities, especially those involving travel, study or working independently. You may hear from a long-distance contact this week or feel inspired to reach out to someone in another part of the world. FaceTime sessions don't pack the same punch as an IRL meeting, so price out plane tickets "just 'cause." You never know, Pisces, your job might pick up the tab or a friend may be willing to donate miles to reduce the price of your fare.
On Thursday, the new moon in Libra lands in your erotic eighth house and reboots your libido. Lusty Mars follows up, heading into the same realm from Sunday until 9th December. You'll feel the power of your purr once again — but you're not just looking for a warm body. Save your final rose for someone who inspires you in a mind-body-soul kind of way. You could meet them under this week's moonbeams and Mars will accelerate the getting-to-love-you process. Coupled Pisces could level up your love affair to something more permanent like exchanging keys...or vows.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
March 21 to April 19
Paddle to the deeper end of the pool, Aries. Your patience for idle chatter and superficial interactions will wear thin as social Mercury plunges into Scorpio from Tuesday until 5th November. Trust will not come easy during this Mercury cycle, so make people earn their loyalty points. You'll find out who really has your back and who is just a fair-weather friend. The mysterious types will attract you — still waters do run deep. But since you can't judge a book by its cover, set up one-on-ones and find out the real deal. Scorpio rules your erotic eighth house and conversations will be charged with sexy innuendos. Not that you have to act on them. The seductive cat-and-mouse game might be the best part.
Another push for partnership comes in the latter part of the week. Thursday's new moon in Libra could reveal a promising candidate for the role of your other half. Coupled Rams could uplevel your relationship in exciting ways. And on Sunday, your ruling planet Mars charges into Libra until 9th December, intensifying your urge to merge. Join forces for business, pleasure or a game-changing artistic collaboration. Pro tip: Look for a complementary force instead of a clone and you'll avoid stepping on each other's turf. If money is involved, make sure both of your names are on the paperwork. Lawyer up so that your rights are protected and all the terms are fair and square.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
April 20 to May 20
Opposites attract and create an undeniable spark. You'll feel that (big time) for the coming few weeks as flirty Mercury simmers in Scorpio and your house of committed relationships until 5th November. Under this seductive spell, you could discover your missing puzzle piece. Surprise! That sultry soulmate may be hiding in the ranks of your existing social circle. Don't underestimate the quiet ones, Taurus. This esoteric Mercury cycle requires a little digging to discover what people really have to offer. Make it your mission to improve all your existing alliances, too. From bandmates to business partners to bedroom buddies, clarity is the key to harmony.
Date night outfits will be in heavy rotation this week, but so will your fitness gear. On Thursday, the annual new moon in Libra galvanises your wellness goals as it lands in your sixth house of healthy living. Pick up a guest pass for a different gym or reboot your motivation with a new pair of sneakers. On Sunday, motivator Mars joins the revitalisation party, lumbering into Libra until 9th December. The final quarter of 2017 is going to be super busy at work — even more reason to torch that stress with a solid workout plan. While this might feel like an inconvenient time for a health kick, plan ahead and you can enjoy the seasonal treats with a nourishing twist. Let your competitive side come through, whether you're angling for a promotion or signing up for an autumn fitness challenge.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
May 21 to June 20
Lace up your cross trainers and load your work bag with high-protein snacks. This Tuesday, your ruling planet Mercury hops on the wellness wagon, bursting into your sixth house of healthy living until 5th November. Start experimenting with healthy recipes and be sure to incorporate movement into your social schedule. For example, instead of always going for drinks, meet friends for a dance-based cardio class and vegan bites. Forget diets or anything that even remotely hints at body-shaming. The point is to keep yourself energised and glowing as you love the skin you're in. Work gets busy during this Mercury cycle, but you're also ready to tackle a challenging assignment that staves off clock-watching. Dive in!
All the same, your Louboutins will get as much of a workout as your Lululemons as 2017 winds down. On Thursday, the new moon in Libra energises your passionate, party-loving fifth house. Romantically, this new moon helps you turn to a fresh page — with your amour du jour or someone totally new. An engagement or pregnancy might even be in the cards. On Sunday, lusty Mars heads into Libra until 9th December, stoking the embers even more. A sultry connection could heat up fast, so much so that you'll probably have to pace yourself to make sure it doesn't crash and burn. Want to get your talents into the public eye? Perform, pitch, present! All the world’s your stage while Mars is here. Err on the side of maximalism, Gemini. Too much is not enough!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
June 21 to July 22
The limelight is calling, Cancer, so take a deep breath and emerge from your shell! This Tuesday, messenger Mercury sails into Scorpio and your fifth house of fame, flirtation and flamboyance. Until 5th November, more is definitely more. Dispel those rumours about Cancers being shy — hey, if signmates Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande can push through those feels, you can, too. Whether on stage or via social media, it's time to flaunt your talents. Creatively, this Mercury cycle will be rich. Leave room in your schedule for guitar lessons, poetry workshops or other crafty pursuits. Are you sending out a clear and strong first impression? With Mercury in this fashionable haus, update your style and schedule a photo shoot before 5th November.
Don't worry, you'll still have time to putter around Chez Crab. On Thursday, the new moon in Libra beams into your home and family sector, which could bring developments to your living situation. Is it time to redecorate or even relocate? Not only will la luna expedite the mission, but on Sunday, momentous Mars will also buzz through Libra until 9th December. Once you've figured out where (and on what decorative hooks) to hang your fedora, break out the wine and cheese! You could be entertaining on the regular as the year winds down. A spontaneous girls' trip could also become one of your favourite 2017 memories. Warning: The red planet can ratchet up stress. Do your part to ensure that family feuds don’t take down the holidays. If you need to clear the air with a relative (or just agree to disagree), don't wait until the turkey’s being carved to tackle the issue. Handle it soon with a private heart-to-heart.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
July 23 to August 22
Sweater weather is upon us, Leo. And this week, your sun-worshipping sign may finally be ready to embrace it as social Mercury slips into Scorpio and your cosy fourth house until 5th November. Your home is where your heart is — and probably where we'll find your 101 fabulous friends. Whip up a signature cocktail and some bite-sized comfort food. Entertaining will be your favourite thing for the next few weeks. Give your lair a little love while you're at it. Strategic Mercury can bring clever ideas for layout and storage; you might even reconfigure your rooms in a savvy new way. And who knows? A Halloween house party at your place could be the chandelier-swinging soiree of the century. Send out those invites!
While you'll cherish time with your inner circle, stay alert for kindred spirits. Thursday's new moon in Libra falls in your house of BFFs and could reveal some likeminded souls worth getting to know better. If you're a writer, style blogger or mediamaker, this new moon has your name written all over it, Leo. Get to work on a new project or promote your works! Starting a buzz could happen at lightning speed since heat-seeking Mars heads into Libra from Sunday until 9th December. So many people, so little time! While it's awesome to be in demand, you could literally overload yourself by saying "yes" to too many invitations. Be selective and prioritise events that are in your area. This Mars phase can literally give you road rage if you drive too often.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
August 23 to September 22
Let the locally grown, good times roll! This Tuesday, your ruling planet, Mercury, hunkers down in Scorpio and your third house of hometown happenings until 5th November. Set up alerts for cultural events in your 'hood; pop into cafés, boutiques and restaurants you haven't frequented regularly. If the scene is lacking in your area, could you help give it some life? A local business owner might partner with you to host an event. It can be simple, like a trivia night, beer flight sampling, or book club — or even something ambitious like a Christmas market with local artisans. Just make sure you get a cut of the profits if you're bringing in the business! Don't walk around in a tech trance while you're out and about. A "stranger" could become your new BFF just because you made eye contact and said "hi."
But do keep a watchful eye on your spending while you're out celebrating autumn. On Thursday, the new moon in Libra lands in your budget-minded second house and reminds you that free can also be fun (especially if you charm your way onto the comp list). New job opportunities could crop up, so give your LinkedIn profile some polish and have your CV ready. On Sunday, motivator Mars lands in Libra until 9th December, further energising your earning goals. While this also marks the end of Mars' wild ride through Virgo that began on 5th September, you're truly ready for a smoother, more stable groove. Now you can get practical about all those big ideas you dreamed up since early September. What will it take to pull them off? Pop on the project manager's hat and make a plan!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Related Video
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