Katie Hopkins, the former Apprentice candidate who has offended just about every section of the British population at some point or other, got fired this morning. A comment she made in light of the Manchester attack proved too much for radio station LBC, where she had a show, and they decided to get rid of her immediately. Hoorah!
In a now-deleted tweet, she wrote: "22 dead - number rising. Schofield. Don't you even dare. Do not be a part of the problem. We need a final solution #Machester." Not only did she spell Manchester incorrectly, but the use of "final solution" seemed to be a call for genocide and was presumed to be a reference to the Nazi genocide of millions of Jews in the Second World War.
LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately.
— LBC (@LBC) May 26, 2017
So, as you can imagine, many people – us included – are overjoyed that the nasty hatemonger has finally got her comeuppance. Even her colleagues at LBC apparently erupted into applause.
#KatieHopkins has been one of the UK's top trending topics on Twitter since the news was announced – #SuggestNewJobsForHopkins also just started trending – and the tweets are golden. Here are some of the best we've seen.
Devastated to hear that Katie Hopkins's nasty rhetoric has resulted in her losing her job. #SaidNoOneEver pic.twitter.com/viMeL7Gisr
— NHS Million (@NHSMillion) May 26, 2017
My TL reacting to news Katie Hopkins was fired from LBC after her 'final solution' tweet pic.twitter.com/bv3xesBUU6
— Ladan Takow (@LadanTakow) May 26, 2017
Katie Hopkins is an extremist. People need to understand that you can look like a middle manager at M and S and be an extremist.
— Matt Haig (@matthaig1) May 25, 2017
Katie Hopkins got sacked. pic.twitter.com/3Wr9ifIS4U
— Billy Aaron Phelps (@billy_a_phelps) May 26, 2017
I just momentarily forgot Katie Hopkins was sacked, then remembered again. Like finding a tenner you forgot you had in your jacket pocket
— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) May 26, 2017
Katie Hopkins has gotten thrown out of LBC. Her colleagues' reaction: pic.twitter.com/Ft9eVj1f5J
— Votey McVoteface (@AlexJCharlton) May 26, 2017
People wishing to attend Katie Hopkins' LBC leaving party are advised to arrive at Mount Doom no later than 9pm.
— HaveIGotNewsForYou (@haveigotnews) May 26, 2017
Twitter reacts with sober, solemn respect to the news of Katie Hopkins being fired by LBC pic.twitter.com/lALifOciqS
— Ally Fogg (@AllyFogg) May 26, 2017
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